Medicare Dates

Medicare Notes:


After you turn 65, you may purchase or change Medicare Supplements (Medigap) any time of the year. There are no set enrollment periods for Medicare Supplements.

Medicare Supplements (Medigap)

You may sign up for Medicare Supplements, initially, a few months before your 65th birthday, effective the month you turn 65.

You must sign up for a Medicare Supplement before the 6th month after you turn 65, if you want to be guaranteed coverage.

Medicare Supplements can be obtained anytime after your 65th birthday, if the carrier accepts your medical history.They must accept you during this initial time, until the 6th month following your 65th birthday.The only other instance, where you would be guaranteed acceptance, is if you moved or lost coverage.Then you have 63 days to enroll, after that qualifying incident.Outside of these parameters, you will need to go through a medical underwriting process prior to acceptance.Our agents can help you decide what’s best in your particular situation.Original Medicare / Med Advantage / PDPThe following enrollment period information is for Original Medicare, Medicare Advantage, and Prescription Drug Plans


October 15, 2018: Medicare Open Enrollment starts. This is the first day to enroll in a 2019 Medicare plan, whether you’re a current beneficiary or new to the program. During this time, you can sign up for Medicare Advantage (Part C) or Part D, or you can change your coverage.

December 7, 2018: 2019 Medicare Open Enrollment ends.

January 1, 2019: This is the first day your coverage starts for your new plan; any previous changes take effect.

January 1 – February 14, 2019: Medicare Advantage Disenrollment Period. Medicare Advantage enrollees can switch back to original Medicare. You can also sign up for Medicare Part D plans in this period if you drop an MA plan and switch to original Medicare without drug coverage.

Medicare and Dental coverage